| 1. | The second resistance training course in beijing 第二届健身运动阻力训练讲座于北京举办 |
| 2. | You must do resistance training in order to build muscle and strong bones 为塑造肌肉、强健骨骼,你必须做耐力训练。 |
| 3. | 4 resistance training course in beijing 5 resistance training course at shanghai jinqiao megafit 4第二届健身运动阻力训练讲座于北京举办 |
| 4. | In this study , the larger sized growth hormone variants appear to increase with heavy resistance training 本研究发现在增长重的抗力训练会产生长链的生长激素。 |
| 5. | But the exciting discovery is finding out that resistance training reverses many aspects of this 但经过训练后, “老年化的转录标签被明显逆转回复到年轻水平,因为大多数基因受年龄和运动双重影响。 |
| 6. | Resistance training can get you to a place where being alone isn ' t lonely and joining a crowd doesn ' t crush your psyche 消除抗拒练习能帮助你虽然是孤单但却不孤独;虽然身在群体中你的身心却不会被压碎。 |
| 7. | Resistance training ( using extra weight ) helps build lean muscle mass ( and strong bones ) , and muscle burns more calories than fat 耐力训练(用额外重量)帮助塑造瘦肌肉(及强健骨骼) ,肌肉比脂肪燃烧更多的热量。 |
| 8. | Children should begin resistance training at a level that is equal to their maturity level , physical abilities , and individual goals 在开始抗阻力量训练时,儿童应该按照他们对训练方法的熟练程度、体能状况和个人目标来选择相等的水平锻练。 |
| 9. | The contents of this course were a combination of class and practice to review the fundamental principle of resistance training and share the contemporary concept of sport science 今次的讲座内容除了重温阻力训练的基本理论和实地指导外,更与来宾探讨最新的运动科学理念。 |
| 10. | As you age , your metabolism decreases , but resistance training can increase and help you maintain lean muscle mass . , so loosing muscle and getting fat is not an obligation 当您变老,您的新陈代谢减少,但抵抗训练可能增加和帮助您维护精瘦的肌肉马萨诸塞,因此疏松肌肉和胖不是义务。 |